About Orderforge
Orderforge is Foundry Commerce’s streamlined eCommerce and operating system. Manage everything from prospect communications through invoice collection in one system.

Best in Class eCommerce
How would you like to say yes to everything your customer wants out of your purchasing system? With Orderforge Market (eCommerce) you have ultimate flexibility to achieve any client goal. From simple sites to completely custom applications the system is built to help you say yes.
1. Support Any Product Type
Optimize Print, Promo, Asset Management and Multi-Media Campaign management in one simple to use interface.
2. Support any Desired User Experience
From a color matched standard theme to a completely custom design and workflow we can match more than just the look our client desires.
3. Settings Driven Customization
Over 250 settings allow you to customize the experience down to the individual user and or product.
4. Responsive Design
Built to be naively responsive. You do not need to do anything special on your set-up and the site will relay itself out depending up on the device.

Complete Back Office
Process online orders, entered orders or orders that come from your customers systems with ease. Orderforge Manage allows you to leverage single or multiple vendor supply chains and rest assured that you will never have to enter data more than once.
- Workflow Automation: Automate the delivery of single or multi-vendor purchase order chains based upon where the items are being delivered, what the order quantity is or what type of order line it is.
- Order Entry: Build orders that route to multiple vendors and span multiple order line types within the same cart. Process orders for items that have been ordered before and new one-time products through an easy to use interface.
- Invoices and Payables: Easily turn purchase orders into payables and orders into individual or summary invoices through a streamlined process.
- Track Client and Prospect Communications: Track prospect and client communications as well as quote volume by customer or sales representative.

Fulfillment and Warehouse Management
Orderforge allows you to set-up and single or manage multiple warehouses with aisles, racks, bins and pallets. You are able to defiine inventory ownership at distributor, customer, group and can manage releases and replenishment orders through automated workflows.
Warehouse Set-up
Manage warehouses that are at your facilities or remote distribution centers that are located at your customers or suppliers.
Lot Creation
Create lots through the interface, through the order entry process or by allowing your customers to place replenishment orders. Assign unit based value to the lot and assign it to inventory locations on receipt.
Manage Releases
Move release orders through a pick and pack process while printing customized pick tickets and packing slips.
Manage Back orders
Determine if clients are allowed to place back orders on a product by product basis. Transfer inventory from replenishment orders to move back orders into the release process.

Punchouts and Integrations
Orderforge is equip to support every form of integration you, your clients and your suppliers need to function efficiently. Whether it is client side punchout or single-sign-on, administrative order integrations or API calls or Supply side purchase order integrations and catalog APIs, we can support the automation of your data flow.
- Punchouts and SSO: We have over 50 active punchouts and support punchout with over 30 different systems. If your clients want us to punchout with a purchasing platform you can rest assured that we support it. We support unencrypted, RC4 encrypted and SAML encrypted single sign-on and can consume many custom profile elements through the SSO process.
- XML and APIs: Orderforge sends out multiple order XML and purchase order XML formats and have an extensive an API layer that allows us to consume data from external content management systems or open data to external systems that need to collect data.
Orderforge Market (eCommerce) Product Features
Variable Print Products
The application leverages the power of Pageflex to render preview and production files. Control which elements your client’s users can interact with and which elements are locked down. Integrate the data entry forms with asst management tools or third party content management or human resource tools.
Promo and Apparel Products
The application allows you to choose from 6 different user interface choices. Select from grid and list options that allow your customers to add multiple size and color combinations to the cart at once or image selectors that make it easy to visually select your options.
Mobile Design / Responsive Design
Not only are the client facing storefronts mobile friendly, the administrative environment is responsive as well. The storefronts will relay themselves out depending upon the device they are being viewed on. Your customers will be able to order efficiently on every device size.
Custom Branding
Not only can you completely redesign the site to match your brand or your clients, but you can build complete websites on top of the storefront functionality. Add content pages, dashboards, or anything your clients would like to see in addition to the catalog and shopping experience.
Custom Domain Support
Foundry Commerce never brands our environment because we want to support your brand. You have three ways to get your clients into their environment; use one of our generic URLs (example: mymarketingcatalog.com), set up a wild card URL of your own (example: clientname.shopyourname.com, where you can have hundreds of “clientnames” or set up and define completely custom URLs to a given experience (example: gethappyusa.com)
Multiple Payment Options
Auto-apply or coded promotional codes
Purchase Orders
Credit Cards
Gift Cards
Spending Accounts
Coop Dollar Accounts
Approval Rules
Build single or multi-step approvals based upon anything your client needs. Yes we said ANYTHING and we can mean it. Let us know what you need rules built around and we can accommodate.
Real Time Shipping Calculations
Shipping calculations from UPS, FedEx and USPS based upon multiple shipments, package counts and mark-ups inside of the same order. Our shipping calculates shipping for a distributed environment where not all product within a given cart is coming from or going to the same place.
Automatic or Manual Tax Rating
Leverage our nexus compliant tax service which calculates tax based upon state, city and local tax rates or establish your own tables to control the tax you collect.
Inventory Management
Manage inventory at a product, variant or kit levels. Manage lot based inventory into and out of specific warehouse locations, define inventory lot availability and values. Complete pick and pack ticket printing, low stock inventory notifications and define users that can place replenishment orders.
Define which users are able to see reporting and what data is available to their reporting utilities. In addition to standard order, order line and inventory reporting you also have the ability to drop in custom reporting as well as custom dashboards for your clients.
Search Engine Optimization
You can add meta data to your catalogs to optimize your SEO results and are able to connect the site to Google analytics for activity tracking.
Orderforge Manage (Back Office) Product Features
Multi-Vendor Supply Chains
The application allows you to create single or multi-vendor supply chains and apply workflow automation based upon who is placing the order, where the product is shipping, what quantity ordered and what type of order it is. Achieve maximum efficiency by automating the delivery of single or multiple purchase orders.
Send Customer Quotes
Customize the format of quotes that get sent at the customer or prospect level, build quotes using products that have been ordered previously or new product forms and submit quotes to as many customer contacts as necessary. Quotes are logged as saved orders, allowing you to proceed with them or modify them prior on customer approval.
Order Entry
Select from your list of available customers to populate available addresses, payment methods, and custom data points that are required for invoicing. Build an order with all items the client would like - regardless of supply chain required or the type of order line it is (stocking, drop ship or release). Submitting the order triggers all workflow automation rules you have in place, making the fulfillment process a breeze.
Invoice and Summary Invoice Creation
Choose to create and post invoices in one step or create your invoices and have them ready to post at a later date. Choose to post invoices individually or aggregate them into summary invoices. You also have the ability to post vendor invoices separately or have them post at the same time your customer invoice is created to maintain gap accounting rules.
Vendor Invoice Creation
Reconcile vendor invoices against the purchase orders issued and make any necessary adjustments to create alignment. Place purchase orders in a ready to pay status which prepares them for the accounting team to pick them up and post them.
Vendor Invoice Automation
The system allows you to define a percentage variance you accept for each integrated vendor. When vendors send you an electronic invoice it is automatically compared against the purchase order you issued for the job and is accepted if it matches within the acceptable margin. If the invoice does not match you can review the invoice and accept it or cork with the vendor to reissue a corrected invoice.
Log Prospect and Customer Communications
Create prospects and customers in the system and log communications that have taken place. The system allows you to create customer contacts, log email, phone and text conversations that have taken place. Dashboards allow management to view communication logs and track activities by account representative.
Warehouse Management Features
Warehouse Creation
Create as many warehouse locations as necessary and virtually build out your space. Create aisles, shelves and bins into which you can place product inventory. Locations will be used to instruct warehouse staff on pick locations and be chosen by staff when receiving inventory in.
Lot Creation
Lots will be automatically created when replenishment orders are placed (either by a customer on an eCommerce site or by a client service rep in order entry) or they can be created manually. Inventory lots have client side value and distributor level values. Lots can also carry permissions that define who is able to release from them where necessary.
Pick - Pack Management
Set your process up to automatically print pick tickets and packing slips as releases are placed or use the systems dashboard to move items through the picking process. You are able to customize the appearance of the pick tickets and packing slips at a customer level through the administrative environment.
Back Order Management
You can determine whether back orders can be placed down to a product level. When releases are placed for items that are not in stock back orders will be auto generates and the client will be made aware. When stock is received you can choose which back orders you would like to fill and back orders will move into the pick and pack process.
Inventory Reporting
Inventory reporting is available for both clients and administrative staff. The inventory reports can be filtered on a number of factors and exported into excel. Inventory valuation shows based upon the lots unit price for clients and unit cost for distributors.
Everything you need - all in one system
A completely flexible application
Whether it is designing to a specific look and feel or a desired workflow you have maximum flexibility to make Orderforge what you and your clients need.

The Sky is the Limit
By using Orderforge you will be able to handle configuration and customization through a series of setting selections or custom blocks that are designed to help you achieve the optimal workflow.
Premium support for you
Whether you need assistance or a customization, our team is here to help you succeed
If you ever need our help you can just send us a line through our support system and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Support Ticket System

Fully documented
Accurate and complete instructions are available through an implementation guide, FAQ and training videos.
You will find everything you need to get up and running.
Look to the future
Foundry Commerce uses the last technology available to ensure you will get a modern and beautiful system